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The telephone will tell about the fines of the State Automobile Inspectorate

The “Shahri Behatar” (Safe City) service from the operator of new digital opportunities will help car owners find out about accrued fines via SMS and avoid problems with their late payment. Information about recorded violations becomes available after appearing in the database of the State Automobile Inspectorate (GAI) (Traffic Police). The price of the service is 7 somoni per month, including VAT and excise tax.

Violation of traffic rules can be recorded automatically using video cameras. In this case, drivers often learn about fines late. And this threatens with new problems - for example, a car with unpaid fines cannot be deregistered in the traffic police and sold. The Shahri Behatar service from MegaFon Tajikistan will help car owners avoid trouble.
The essence of the service is as follows: the user sends an SMS request with the text "STATUS" to number 0008. If the traffic police database contains information about the accrued fines, the car owner will receive a response message indicating the number of fines and the type of violation - for example, the fact of driving a red light or crossing a solid line of road markings. You can also view photos from CCTV cameras and find out exactly where the traffic violation was committed. If there is no information in the traffic police database, the user of the service will receive an SMS with the text “No fines were found on your car.”
To connect "Shahri Bekhatar" (Safe City) to a subscriber of "MegaFon Tajikistan" company, it is enough to dial the command *0008# on the phone and press the call button. To complete the setup, you must specify the state number of the car and the number of the registration certificate.
You can send requests to 0008 every day. Timely receipt of information will allow you to pay fines immediately, and not accumulate large amounts that will be difficult to allocate from the family budget.
PHOTO: MegaFon Tajikistan

02.08.2023 17:21