
Rahimzoda Ramazon Hamro – The Minister of the Internal of Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, General Colonel of militia dob: 25.04.1960. Its service in authority of the internal of affairs began since October 20, 1983 surveyor fight with misappropriation of the social property Division of the internal affairs Leningrad/Kulob area. With 1984...

Alamshozoda Abdurahmon Alamsho - Militia lieutenant General, 17.11.1970, education - higher legal, graduated the Tajik National University and №1 Faculty of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan for the managment staff. Service in the internal affairs bodies since 1993. Government awards: Order...

Nasimzoda Akbar Giyos - Militia Major General, date of birth April 1, 1962. The Tajik, education – the highest technical and the highest legal. Service in law-enforcement bodies since 19th August 1985. Official activities: Inspector patrol service OGAI (Department State traffic police) DMIA in Dushanbe, senior inspector patrol service OGAI DMIA...

Ibrohimzoda Nozim - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan major-general of internal service, dob: February 04, 1965, nationality - tajik, specialized secondary education, high legal. Service in internal affairs from 01.10.1985. Official activity: State fire engineer DIA in Sughd region, senior engineer of DSFS, senior...

Muborakshozoda Gairatsho Ghulomsho - Militia Major General, born on January 13, 1977, his nationality is Tajik. He has a higher education in law, in 1999 he graduated from the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, and in 2009 he graduated from faculty No. 1 of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of...

Head of Department: Khalilzoda Hussein Sobir - major general of militia, born January 16, 1973, Tajik by nationality. In 1996 he graduated from the Tajik State Pedagogical University, in 2011 he graduated from the Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University. In 2019, he graduated from the 1st faculty of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of...

Head of Department: Salimboyzoda Dovar Salimboy is a militia colonel. Born October 11, 1977. Education - higher legal. Nationality is Tajik. In 1997 he graduated from the Tajik Open University. In 2006, he graduated from the Tajik State National University with a degree in law and in 2017 he graduated from the First Faculty of the Executive Staff...

Head of the department: Barotzoda Tohir Barot is a militia colonel, born on October 13, 1978, Tajik by nationality, has higher economic and higher legal education. He has worked in various positions throughout his career. Including in the positions of an operational authorized employee, a senior operational authorized employee, a senior...

Head of the Department: Kahkhori Habib Abdurahim - militia colonel, born on June 30, 1980, Tajik by nationality. Higher legal education, graduated from the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan in 2001, in 2013 the first faculty for the senior staff of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the...

Head of Department: Mashrabzoda Jamshed Khol -Major - General of Militia, born in October 22, 1978, nationality - Tajik. In 2000 graduated the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Service of the Republic of Tajikistan specialty "International Relations", in 2004 he graduated the Russian State Tax Academy, specialty...