Regulation on the Public Council

Based on the instructions and instructions and direct support of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Colonel General of Militia Rakhimzoda Ramazon Khamro and the action plan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan to implement in real life the requirements of sectoral regulatory legal...
07 December 2021, Tuesday

Saferworld Tender Dossier PROCUREMENT OF AUDIO&VIDEO AND CONFERENCE ROOM EQUIPMENT FOR THE MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN Tender Main Facts Table Tender reference 09/10/2017 Address for submission of offers"> Deadline for submission of offers...
13 October 2017, Friday

12.04. 2017, in the building of the rural jamoat of Navobod, Rasht district, two working rooms of the working group of public cooperation with the police were put into operation. The opening ceremony was attended by Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs major-general of militia Saidzoda Mahmadsaid Boron, Chairman of the Rasht district Loikzoda...
12 April 2017, Wednesday

Last week, on 3 February, 2017, a round table on prevention of DV and family divorces was organized in Rudaki district, Tajikistan by the Community Policing Partnership Team (CPPT) in this district and with the support of the Saferworld and public organization ASTI. It brought together 40 people, activist, representatives of women, youth,...
13 February 2017, Monday

Public Council under the Department Ministry of Internal Affairs in Dushanbe with the support of organizations Seyfervorld and partner "AZIT" in order to solve problems in the mahalla Zarafshon Sino district was organized meeting with the participation of asset managers house departments, representatives of secondary schools and the...
17 January 2017, Tuesday